It's official. I've become a laundry Nazi.
"I'll just hang it on the line," says hubs.
Listen carefully. HE just offered to hang out the washing. BUT, and this is the rub, I hate putting away washing. I hate it even more when my tops have peg marks in them.
I really hate it when pegged-up stuff has to be unpegged, is laid or folded carefully in the basket, brought inside nd THEN requires further sorting, hanging, or refolding (he folds stuff up weird, ok?).
I hate this double handling so much that I will instead do it all myself.
Hello clotheshorse! Hello coathangers! Enter the sublime pegless system of drying that means everything which needs hanging is hung. Once.
Oh god. I'm blogging about laundry.
2 months ago
I hate laundry.
Yes, my otherwise nearly perfect husband (snort) pegs trousers up at the feet end, and tops just under the arms. Weird. I don't see that blogging about laundry is so bad, as long as you don't start talking about dryer lint, ok?
The end of the post was the best! I'm blogging about laundry! LOL!
You aren't the only laundry nazi. My beloved is meant to do the laundry (including hanging out, bringing in, etc). BUT I'm having to teach him how to do it and explain WHY, every step of the way. How is this not taught at school? There are simple ways of hanging that mean you don't have to iron, everything dries evenly and fabric doesn't drop when the seams are set straight. And no, he's not allowed to touch the good table linen. I'm not sure it would ever recover....
I would so have to do it myself too... I think they purposely do things wrong so as never to be asked again... I reckon they learn it in 'man school'!!
If it helps, I'm a dishwasher nazi. No one but ME gets to load the dishwasher or it just isn't done right. I have a SYSTEM. Anyone can UNLOAD it though, screw that nonsense. :)
I can't allow mine to help me. He hangs the trousers up wrongly and squishes everything into a small space. It's just not a man thing.
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