You know those days where you get very little done because you're waiting for something else to happen... All day?
Today has been one of those. This morning: waiting for student (we had a lovely lesson, btw. No running back to give mum a cuddle every five minutes!), then waiting for washing to dry, then attempting to learn this new book 4 piece (argh! Having played a modified version of this in my youth is doing nasty things to my adult brain, which keeps happily exclaiming "Hey! I KNOW thi-ohhhhh, dammit!" Possibly I should just put off learning until I can brainwash myself with the recording.
I did make a really terrific salad for lunch. (clutching skull, moaning "The mundanity! Oh god, the commonplaceness of it all!") beans, tuna, capsicum. Magic. (Yes, I keep magic beans in my cupboard specifically to spice up otherwise boring bean mixes. Bow down before me in awe and wonderment... WONDERMENT, I said!)
But teaching was good fun this afternoon and my kiddies went home happy with hello kitty and origami goodness. Hooray for the hundren yen shop :) and all the blogs out there which have kept me on some kind of conscious track today.
Hey, and today I scored my twentieth follower...(welcome! I'm sorry today's post is so terribly boring! I don't think they're USUALLY this inane, please correct me if this is a horrible misconception) And my fiftieth post.
I would also like to record that compulsively checking my email every fifteen minutes has not encouraged that naughty parent to reply. I am feeling bolstered by your support that this behavior is unacceptable and retaliation (ok, remodelling, I am a SUZUKI teacher) is appropriate. Thank you.
Darling husband would like to note that the clicking of my thumbs as I type this post on my iPod is reminiscent of morse code. Yes. I'm taking paricular care to semaphore my frantic desire for sleep as I blog. Excellent. Onwards to the weekend. (yes, I know today has been Tuesday, but I'm feeling peachy keen.)
1 day ago
What?! Only Tuesday today? No wonder the guy at my favorite coctail place looked at me funny.
Cute post! I am glad to have found your blog!:) Would you like to add one another as followers to help get our names out there in blog world? Have a great day!
Well, now it's day closer to that cocktail...or L bottle of wine!
Congratulations on your twentieth follower. Here's hoping that Wednesday's students and parents have been kind to you.
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